How to unistall bluestacks completely
How to unistall bluestacks completely

Method 1: Uninstalling BlueStacks Manually Pro Tip: The 2 nd method is quick and simple as there’s no manual file removal process involved. By using BTSCleaner_All Troubleshooter from BlueStacks itself.By using Control Panel’s Uninstall a Program feature manually.There are 2 ways through which you can disable or remove BlueStacks completely from your computer or laptop. We’re going to guide you exactly the same! How to Uninstall BlueStacks Completely

how to unistall bluestacks completely

So it is important that you not only uninstall BlueStacks from your Windows PC but also remove all the leftover files as well. These files not only occupy a certain amount of space on your computer but may also create problems in future if you were to install BlueStacks on your Windows PC again. Uninstalling BlueStacks is pretty simple but what users aren’t aware of is that there are a lot of files left over in the Program Data folder even after removing the app player. Or maybe you simply don’t want BlueStacks anymore. It might be due to system configuration or some technical errors which they aren’t able to solve. But a lot of users still face some issues and want to get rid of BlueStacks emulator quickly. Gamers around the world love this emulator and so far it’s the best of all emulators available. We hope you enjoy using it.BlueStacks is used to run Android apps and games on Windows OS systems without any hassles. Download and reinstall BlueStacks 5 from our official website. On completion of the uninstallation process, you will see a prompt saying "Process has been finished". Upon doing so, it will start uninstalling BlueStacks 5.Ħ. Click on "Yes" if you're asked for permissions to run BlueStacks cleaner.

  • Use this tool to uninstall all versions of BlueStacks installed on your computer at once (including BlueStacks 4 and BlueStacks 5)ĥ.
  • how to unistall bluestacks completely how to unistall bluestacks completely

    Use this tool to uninstall only BlueStacks 4 Nougat 32-bit.Now, use the links below to download the cleaner tool for the version(s) of BlueStacks that you wish to uninstall completely from your computer: Delete all the files and folders available on the Temp window.Ĥ. Here, type "%temp%" in the dialog box and click on OK, as shown below.ģ. Press the shortcut keys Windows + R to open the Run command box on your PC.Ģ. Please refer to the steps mentioned below to uninstall/remove BlueStacks 5 completely from your PC.ġ. How to uninstall BlueStacks 5 completely? We highly recommend you sync your game-data with a social media account, before proceeding with the steps below.

    how to unistall bluestacks completely

    NOTE: Upon completely uninstalling BlueStacks 5, all your applications, instances and game-data will be removed. This article will help you uninstall BlueStacks 5 completely from your PC.

    How to unistall bluestacks completely